Thursday, November 02, 2006

Aliens in Cardio Dance

Always good to try out new instructors and new classes. Had a go at Jimmy's Cardio Dance class yesterday after Combat.

And my observation from the 2 classes?? Cardio Dance members dress in more colourful gym attire. I AM so SERIOUS. Looking at what Baby Bunny and I wore, we were so out of place. We were BORING. We were not in pink, turqoise, yellow or purple like most of them. Shucks... But guess we had a great time making a fool of ourselves. :D

Do i like it? Maybe. But Combat still remain #1. Cos its faster and impactful. It feels strong and powerful. And its more serious than Cardio Dance where I spent 1/2 the time laughing and trying to remember the dance steps.

Im so not cut out to be a dancer "_"


Anonymous said...

Hey you did well on your first attempt! we can do more cardio dance next time.

Chili Padi Porky Queen said...

yeah first attempt after not going for almost one year plus... so cultural shock la....