Monday, November 20, 2006

Chili Padi Cow Queen??

Friday's gym didnt happen because of the heavy downpour.

Instead, on Saturday I went for BBalance and RPM which was kinda ok. Boring cos no one I know went to gym. And when evening came, I totally lost my appetite for dinner when my mom's friend commented about my voluptous figure. While i thanked her for her honesty, I think she was the reason why I only ordered fried button mushrooms for dinner - my only solid food that day. Shucksssss.....

And when Sunday came, I know I have to go for Yoga and BCombat. I kinda like Terrence's way of teaching. Kinda add a little spice to BCombat for the regulars who are already tired and bored of the tracks. Then proceed to lunch at Paddingtons One Utama with Stephy and with last-minuters MNG and LKS. I ordered... 703 or was it 903... it was some dollar pancakes with lots of fruits and nuts. Something healthy and less fattening for the pork lover.

And dinner was still reasonably healthy as well. Phew.....

I know Im getting too paranoid. To the extreme that I am having celery sticks for lunch. But I love the celeries. They are not only healthy but tasty. I wonder if I will ever get over a week's lunch with only vegetables.

I feel like a cow already.


Anonymous said...

thats not good. u need a balanced diet. its OK to eat whatever, as long as u work out and exercise. you'll be fine. don't starve urself!!!

Chili Padi Porky Queen said...

I know la.. food can be quite tempting sometimes. That's why I had spaghetti for dinner. :S

Anonymous said...

TT: You should stop eating altogether. Solve the problem.

Anonymous said...

TT: You should stop eating altogether. Solve the problem.

Anonymous said...

as long as you know what you are doing.. still look the same to me since day 1.

Allan Koay 郭少樺 said...

mebe u can post b4 and after pics for us to see if there is really any difference!

btw, the Anon who posted twice is not me! the first one is!

Chili Padi Porky Queen said...

TT, are u sure about that? No tom yam wor like tat...

Baby Bunny, is that a good thing? Look the same??

The Visitor, u can see my before and after pics on friendster le. Can see the gradual change tats taking place. And i know the other Anon is not you. Its TT.

Anonymous said...

OK i go see.