Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Money Money Money.. This is So Funny

This must be a great month for me. Apart from doing good in UT, I am receiving money from all places - my previous parking company refunded my deposit, my claims are in, and best part of course is that insurance company decided to give me "angpow". Hehe.. Yes yes.. an angpow for having to undergo operation last year. Ok ok.. rewind..

I had a minor operation last year when I discovered a tiny lump. Yes lump!!! Cancerous?? NO LA.. Thank goodness. I was scared for a while but somehow I guess it was nothing serious. So yes, was admitted to the hospital, had my operation, discharged and of course thanks to the kind insurance agent, I am richer by RM700. Well, of course i had a tiny problem when I was admitted previously. My company insurance refused to bear the surgery cost cos I upgraded my room to a single room. And bcos of that, I would (well, almost) need to foot the whole bill. Can you believe it? Silly me did not know that I am only entitled to a 4-bedded room not single room. But then again, I was willing to pay for my upgrade of room, not the surgery. But then again, it was not entirely my fault. The hospital personnel gave me a choice to upgrade without informing me of the clauses. So you can imagine the chili padi sh*t i put them through and how I refused to settle the bill.

The verdict: The hospital called the next day and apologised for their mistake and the insurance will foot the bill. Pheww..... i was relieved. But of course, I still need to pay the cost of upgrading my room. Cheh!!!!

But what the heck!! I am getting some sort of refund here. And that's thanks to my mom's friendly agent. I wouldn't have known about this if it was not for him. So anyone who is looking for an insurance agent who is totally committed, stop looking. I shall introduce one to you. He is definitely one in a million man....


Monday, May 29, 2006

The Devil Is Back… I mean the SALES

Truthfully, I really didn’t know it is the sales period now. I just know about Singapore Sales. Every shop you passed by seems to have this BIG SIGN and DISCOUNT plastered on their glass doors. Drats and I am not at my best financial state now. Why? Why? Why? So I passed Body Shop thinking of a gift for a friend. Oh My Gawd… it’s Body Shop’s Annual Big Sales. It’s the period where their stuffs are usually on heavy discount. And you think that is good enough. Wait till the promoter girl tells you about additional 10% if you have a Maybank ATM or credit card. And me being a pure Malaysian definitely carries one. Yipeeeeeeeee……… so yes, I will take this and also that… and maybe the ones on the 50% rack (tat’s 60% with a Maybank card)… man, good enough to keep me smelling good for long. So yes, the bill came up to a whopping RM100 which was impulse and unplanned purchase. Notty Me!!! But discounts like that don’t come often and I may consider buying another bottle of Oceanus. Shucks… I am beginning to sound like a shopaholic.

Wait, I forgot the most important thing. Where was the present I was supposed to get? Hahaha.. Went back to Body Shop to pick up more stuff. The butter cream seems interesting. The African spa seems like something I need. NO NO NO.. focus focus… look for a gift … so yes yes, picked up some stuff and got the lady there to wrap into a nice set for me. Hmmm… I just love Body Shop since Crabtree & Evelyn is just too upmarket for me.

As shopaholic I may sound, I don’t buy unnecessarily. I know what I want and need. And I just buy them lol. Now im considering getting a pair of nice black heels. I know I know I have too many heels back home. But I just need one more sexy black shoes. And I know the place for it. Passed it last weekend and they are on SALES as well. :D Imagine if I do not buy during sales period. They will just cost me more.

I think I will need to avoid shopping malls for now. They are drying me up real fast.

Award Winning Piggy

People asked “Why do you call yourself a porky queen or pork chop? You are not even close to being one.” Hmm… maybe not now :D But I guess I have a thing for pig or pork or babi or chu. Maybe it’s the pig toys I used to collect. I don’t know. But I love eating pork, tats for sure. So yes, I can’t be married to Muslims like my friends say. Haha… that would be inappropriate. So anyway, my weekend was a blast… again. Stayed in one of the most wonderful hotels in town and FOC!! The room was small but what the heck. The design was trendy and makes you feel like home. Not that my home looks like any of it… you know what I mean. The toilet was awesome – seems that it took ½ the room. The ceiling shower was the best. A must-have!!! Full and strong water flowing down your *cough cough*…. body. They even have a bath tub. So if you care to deep yourself into while enjoying a mini TV that is built into the mirror in the toilet, who cares? And the bed sheets and pillows were awesome. I just don’t wanna get out of bed. And that of course explains why I went back to sleep after a heavy breakfast at 8am at the coffee house. Buffet was great but not within my expectation and I felt it was too pricey for breakfast. But what the heck!!!! It’s a treat for mom and sister. But after breakfast, my mind seems to be playing tricks on me. 1613 was calling me to go back to sleep. So, off to snooze land with a big tummy. And you think that makes me a pig? I just conveniently forgot to mention about sushi for dinner and cup noodles for supper the day before. I know I know… Gym has a reverse effect on me. It makes me eat more and put on more weight and this is not good. Yeah, blame it on gym. Keke.. So maybe tats why I consider myself an award winning piggy. I just love and hate being one. Oh wells… Cut the crap.

Monday, May 15, 2006

My Kaki's

Lately, I have been hanging out with my old friends from primary naming Ted, Ali and Jay. Cool bunch of people whom I connect really well. Although Jay is the only one I really knew back then, time sure didnt take long for all of us to click. Actually, I have not been in touch with them ever since I left primary school. I kinda went missing.. No one back then knew where I was. As though I have vanished out of thin air. The fact is I went to a different school, move to a new neighbourhood and made new friends. I basically lost touch with all. I think, until the wonders of technology naming hp and friendster were introduced. And that's all thanks to Jay, the only few I kept in touch with.

Fast forward.....

Most of us have changed. Some may think I never grow up. Some may feel I'm still like a child. But I dont think so. Maybe of the size that makes me feel small. Maybe its my loudness and laugh that makes people think I have a inner child inside me. Striking a balance is where I like for now. Mature in some, childish in others. We grow up, experience new things, meet new people and life is all about that. Learning and growing.

Jay I would think is a loving bf and son who places time for his family. Seems too good right? But he is such a nice chap who u can share a good conversation with.
Ted is the ultimate joker who u will think looks too serious at times BUT he is not. The jokes he cracks and the nicknames he gives just makes u wiser cos u have to think fast to counter attack.
Ali is the used-to-be LCLY chap who has outgrew his adolescent interest and now thinks mature for his age. This fella is gaining respect from me for walking the walk and talking the talk.
But overall, these 3 people are neither boring nor pretentious and they have great personalities.

And of course, along the way, I am bound to meet more people.. friends' friends' friends.. what an extended network. Who have I met?
Let's start with Doug who happen to be from the similar industry - advertising. And as the world grows smaller, he happen to know Lady Di. Ex-colleagues in Sil Ad... hahaha...
The next would be Senn whom I think bears some resemblance to Ali. Maybe unknown long-lost brother le. While Senn is the oldest amongst the lot, I would have to agree that he does have a baby face and is the "youngest" amongst all. But, I realise he is always the one who always ends a joke with a bigger joke which leaves u laughing non-stop.
And finally, would be Kah Han whom I did not manage to really get to know except for the fact that he "deleted" my number from his phone. He survived the sarcasm i put him through. :P

Overall, its great hanging out with them and I shall extend the network even longer by introducing my friends to them one day. :D

Sunday, May 14, 2006

The Greatest Person on Earth

May is the month to celebrate Mother's Day. But then again, you dont actually need a specific day and month to shower your mom with love and gifts. But, I guess it is just a day for you to be extra caring and extra loving. That's all. As cheesy as it may sound, Im gonna say it anyway. My mom is the greatest person on earth. She gone through hell to get us where we are. Her sacrifice is not what we can return in a bottle of perfume or in a box of chocolates. Her love for us fetch a value that no one can put a price tag.

Coming from a not so perfect family has somehow affected my childhood. I wouldn't said it had not. What do you when you parents argue? What do you do when one walk out of the house? What do you do when one drowns their sorrows? Just sit there and cry and wish that this is all a dream and all these are not happening to us. But sadly, once we open our eyes, it's still the same. Nothing has changed. Maybe that's why I know how to think when I was young. I cant stop the argument, I cant stop her from feeling sad but I can get good grades so she will not be dissapointed. And thats why I did, or at least try to be a good girl without her worrying about me. That's the least I could do.

As time flies, as I grow older, I cherish what my mom has done until now. Everyday, I remind myself of how lucky I am to have her. And what surprises me most was the gal chat we had when I was at my worst early this year. I never saw that coming but I really appreciate it mom. You lifted my spirit and pushed me to be a better person. Yes, I may have been a bad daughter at times. Guilt haunts me! I try and change. I should try harder. She does not deserve the treatment from her ungrateful daughters. She deserved to have more. She needs more pampering. More holiday. More time with us. More love from us.

Hopefully, this entry will remind me even further to love my mom even more as each day passes.

Happy Mother's Day

Saturday, May 13, 2006


When was the last time I sat for an exam? Too long to remember.. Anxiety set in as we entered the room. The only thing I love about this test is the fact that it is computerised. No need to write.. Yippee... so all we have to do is answer 60 bloody questions within 2 hours. Seems like a piece of cake right?? That's of course until we got to click on the button that determines our future in the industry - The FINISH button. So again, there I was, being scared and kiasu at the same time wondering if I should click on it so soon? After all, I still have 1/2 hour more... Then again, what if there is a blackout? What if I accidentally clear all my answers? What if I changed the answers so often that I confused myself? DAMN.. What the heck? JUST CLICK the bloody button. So here goes.... for better or worse.. There is gonna be only one answer...
Phew... The first word I see on my screen.. PASS.

Oh wells, congrats to myself for the effort put in. Now I can concentrate on other things...