Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Slacker Queen

One should never attempt BCombat the day after BPump. It's TORTURING. I never felt so exhausted in BCombat. Arms were aching badly. Legs were reluctant to move. After 1/2 of Muay Thai track, I was ready to give up. Should never push myself any further just in case.

Baby Bunny and I decided to indulge in sinful McD after that. What a way to treat ourselves after gymming. Muahaha... no wonder I have not shed those extra kilos. And Baby Bunny can really eat. But lucky her, she does not put on weight! Im so JEALOUS now...

And as both of us reminisce about our school days, we cant help but to laugh at the similar dreams or nightmares that we have. Even till today.

You know what they say about laughing after a full meal? Makes you fatter. Hahahaha...


Anonymous said...

the whole i was feeling hungry. i need to eat every 2 hrs! you see how not to be fat?

Chili Padi Porky Queen said...

Haha.. but ur NOT FAT darling. U have the luxury to eat and eat and eat and still look good.