Thursday, November 16, 2006

More Resistance

Seeing how TT has lost so much weight recently, I guess RPM is really working for him. So I decided I should give it a shot.

So I claimed that I was new in RPM... which was indeed ½ true. I did RPM a year ago for 2 or 3 times… on the old bike. So technically I did it before but not the right way. So instructor AL showed and explained all the correct ways to use the machine to the class.

And the class begins.

And after 2 tracks, I was exhausted. My stamina must be really low. And throughout the class, AL kept going “More Resistance More Resistance”. That’s all I heard. Man, cycling is not that easy. There was a moment when my leg could not even pedal anymore and the gal next to me had to lower the resistance on my bike so my legs could move. How shy!!!

But I guess it was worth it. I didn’t give up. I finished the entire class. Cos it’s a motivation to fit into my old clothes.

Hmm… but all the kilos were added back at late dinner with Lady Di and MNG. How is it possible for me to shed off those kilos when I add them back after gym??

Maybe I should just get a whole new wardrobe.


Anonymous said...

'Seeing how TT has lost so much weight recently', girl.. sure or not!! SO MUCH wor... exageration don't you think? Bravo RPM!

Chili Padi Porky Queen said...

im not exaggerating le... its true.