Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Deprived of Sleep

Drats, it's only 3.23pm and I have 2.5 hours till work ends and another 8 more hours away from home. AHKL, why must you be so bloody hardworking? Shucks... im gonna have a LONGGGGGGGG week. What to do? I got clients to see, friends to meet, gossips to catch up with, fats to burn, family to love, unsolved business to attend to... Arrrrggggghhhhhh.......I need more sleeeping time!!!!! Thank goodness I dont have a bf that needs my full undivided attention. Cos that would mean lesser time being a pig. I need min 8 hours of sleep daily but I am not getting it. My eyes are really heavy and I have to blog in order not to fall flat on my keyboard. Sleeping on the job!!! That would cost me my pay check!!! I miss school days. Teachers will just let us sleep if we were to complain of period cramp or migraine. Girls always have the unfair advantage. I mean why shouldn't we? Maybe I should take some coffee? But me not big fan of coffee. I love tea. Chamomile and Peppermint tea to help me sleep at night. Yes yes... i really need some sleep now.

Yawwwwwwnnnnnnnnnnn......... 3.36pm and still counting....... tick tock tick tock

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