Tuesday, June 27, 2006


Give me chocolates and I will do anything.. well, almost anything. Love them to bits and reading about its health giving properties seems to be a good excuse to stock up yeah. It's amazing how chocolates can stimulate our body's own endorphins and makes us a happy person. Dark chocolate helps lower cholesterol or did it have lower cholesterol? Hmmm... And yes, Willy Wonka and His Chocolate Factory is any kids dream. Even mine. I wont mind having a fountain of chocolate but I must say Shang's Chocolate Fountain was overated. Maybe I should go for one of those chocolate fondue next. It's rich, looks yummmy to say no to.

When I was a kid, I always waited eagerly for the hampers to arrive during festive seasons. Cos I cant wait to open the Vochelle box - always in their ever nice lovey-dovey packaging. Then as time passes, I had my share of Van Houten, Kit Kat, Cadbury, Ferero Rocher, M&Ms, Hersheys etc right up to the over-priced Belgium chocolates. I must admit. Nothing taste as good as this Belgium chocolates. They make great gifts. They make people happy. They make you healthy. They make you crave for more and more and more.

So folks, whatever it is, if u ever need to apologise or bribe me, (and pork is nowhere to be found) chocolates will do ..... temporarily.

p/s: Thanks to CT for all the M&Ms to keep me going in the office. :D The dentist will have something to say when I visit him. :D

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