Monday, September 25, 2006

Mid-20s Crisis

You see… People at my age, or at least me, is facing what I call mid-20s crisis. Laugh all you want but its true. During my Saturday dinner with ML, KW and LSL, I realize how conscious I have become. I complained every single minute about my flabby arms, my so-called sagging skin and also potential high cholesterol when I look at the menu.

KW said, “Well, you have put on about 20% since high school.”

Porky Queen pouted.

KW said, “But, you got to understand that you were very thin back then. And I mean really thin. You were swimming in your pinafore literally. But I share your sentiments. But I will go for my body check-up in the next 5 years,”

Well yes, I am not the only one who are conscious since then. Many people I know have! And it just happens to be a way of life. Back in those days, we can only afford RM1 nasi lemak or mihun goreng. Now… we have the luxury to eat pasta with seafood with added cream sauce and to be pampered with a tiramisu dessert thereafter. So how not to put on weight and increases the risk of getting high cholesterol or diabetes???

And you think weight and health are only my concern? Demands go longer as we aged. So not forgetting our definitely must-have facials, mask and eye cream so that we keep our skin from dehydration. And you think that’s enough? What about gym, spas, massages, pedicures, manicures and hair dye to cover all the white strands resulting from stress and too much thinking? And what about clothes? With so many brands, styles, colours to choose from. Some may say that it’s a luxury to have all of the above. By choice we choose to paint our nails. By choice we choose to go for monthly exorbitant facials. By choice we choose to look good. By choice we choose to smell pleasant. But why not??? We deserved the pampering after a long hard day at work.

But seriously, another mid-20s crisis is to answer when asked why I’m not in a serious relationship. “You think I don’t want ar? No suitable one ma”. I agree that maybe it’s a good time to look for my other half right now. But then again, I’m reluctant to. I rather let things happen. When seeing my friends with their other halves, I can’t help but feel a pinch of jealousy in me. I yearn for the same treatment and love too but I also know I am not entirely ready. Some say I am picky. But how can you not be? The person is someone you are planning to walk the aisle and spend your rest of your life with. I can’t just simply pick someone off the street for the sake being in one. So picky I shall still be…

Something struck me over the weekend. I have plans and things that I want to do now. An opportunity... Perhaps!

Perhaps not!

Who knows???

A Queen got to do what she has to do.
Especially before she reaches her big THREE ZERO.


Anonymous said...

Haiyah...don't worry so much lah.

Just enjoy your life and trust that it can only get better as you grow older.

Chili Padi Porky Queen said...