Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Salute to Baby Bunny

Backtrack to last Friday. Gym was a must to go all out. Friends wont believe me when I tell them I will not be stepping foot into gym for the next 5 days. But CC spoiled it for failing to make his appearance and we were already 15 minutes into the class. Thank goodness for another co-instructor who was coincidentally attending BCombat. She ended up teaching instead. I would have ended up sending CC nasty messages if class was cancelled. And of course, as Baby Bunny insist that I credit her for allowing me to FFK her for dinner after gym so I can adjourned to eat Steven Corner's yummy Chicken Chop in Uptown. Hahaha... but thank you for understanding gal. What are gal friends for right!


Anonymous said...

delightful piece of work i enjoyed your blog a lot esp the part about me being understand hehe.

Chili Padi Porky Queen said...

You should be.. hehe. and i prob should bill you for posting ur name placement on my blog so often