Friday, December 22, 2006

Imagine 6 days with no gym. Today will be the 7th day

The will to have financial freedom and complete work are taking up my time. I havent been home for dinner the entire week. Friends are neglected. Only saw Dimples once this week. I have not started on the alumni thingy. And Im losing my gym freak status. And now im losing my Porky Queen since im also banning pork... for the time being.

Really looking forward to my Xmas weekend and also Hanoi next week (tat if the bird flu dont come in full force). I need a bloody break...

Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Dimples Found Porky Queen

*extracted from moments in life

When the door of happiness closes, another opens
But often times we look so long at the
Closed door that we dont see the one
Which has been opened for us.

Dont go for looks, they can deceive
Dont go for wealth, even that fades away
Go for someone who makes you smile,
Because it only takes a smile to
Make a dark day seem bright
Find the one that makes your heart smile.

May we have enough happiness to make us sweet,
Enough trials to make us strong
Enough sorrow to keep us human and
Enough hope to make us happy

And no, i didnt find Dimples in the gym. I will leave you guessing..... and as the title says, Dimples Found Porky Queen.

-16 Dec 2006-

2 Gals, A Guy and A Taxi Driver

Bright on a Sunday morning... wait.. it was not bright. It was 5.45am when I left the house to participate in a treasure hunt organised by Ambi Pur. A part of me was thinking "Why did i get myself involved in this? I could be in bed sleeping." But the end result was worth it definitely. Picked Lady Di and MNG (and yes, I have cleared my debts with you) to the flag off point. And Malaysians being typical, never arrive on time.

Team 16.. my lucky number.... Get ur engines started gentlemen...

How Fresh We Look at 6.30am

Our F1 Taxi Driver.. he's quite crazy Gungho Taxi Driver all ready to go... Answers were everywhere.. and still we got them wrong :P

must be bcos we were too busy taking pictures... Still looking pretty 10 hours later Unfortunately, we did not win anything. But it was a great experience for me despite having to wake up really early. I hope you both had fun too.

Just like Happy Feet.

And we are still the well-known

Salute to Baby Bunny

Backtrack to last Friday. Gym was a must to go all out. Friends wont believe me when I tell them I will not be stepping foot into gym for the next 5 days. But CC spoiled it for failing to make his appearance and we were already 15 minutes into the class. Thank goodness for another co-instructor who was coincidentally attending BCombat. She ended up teaching instead. I would have ended up sending CC nasty messages if class was cancelled. And of course, as Baby Bunny insist that I credit her for allowing me to FFK her for dinner after gym so I can adjourned to eat Steven Corner's yummy Chicken Chop in Uptown. Hahaha... but thank you for understanding gal. What are gal friends for right!

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Sabtu, Ahad & Isnin

For the first time - after a long long long time -, I hardly sweat in gym. Went to Yoga and Salsa on Saturday, thanks to the power of persuasion by EC. Yoga is difficult and not as fun as BBalance so I think I was cheating throughout the class.. muahahaha.. I should have gone BStep with Diana after Yoga but was too lazy. And when Salsa came, EC and I were contemplating to skip the class when we saw so many hip aunties waiting for the class. Thank goodness we didnt. It was not tat bad after all. I was literally stepping everywhere but EC guided me well. Phew.... I did enjoy myself. And a porky dinner with Steph at Dave's Bistro kind off wasted my whole effort in gym. Wait... but i didnt really work tat cant be count. Hahaha.. thanks for the lovely belated bday dinner gal.

Thank goodness for BCombat with Baby Bunny and EC on Sunday. I dont feel so guilty now. With stomachs to fill, shoppings to do, movies to watch (and yes going to the wrong cinema), stories to catch up, books to collect and more meals to fill the tummies, I pratically spent 11 hours in Curve on Sunday. Time sure flies. And ignorance no more.

And went bonkers on Monday. Many impulse and unplanned shopping. But was worth it, I feel. Maybe not when I have to pay the credit cards. Hahaha.... Xmas shoppings, traffic and human jams . all done and left with a pair of exhausted legs by night.


Monday, December 11, 2006

On a Non-Gym Friday

So made my way to Bayu Puteri to check out TT, Doug and JW's new crib. Not bad for the price they are paying and best part it has a view of the swimming pool. And what so great of the view? That's the excuse they used to punk'd their victims and snap photographs to add to their wall of shame collection. Sadly, I was one of them... :P Proceed to Krisada in Aman Suria for Tom Yam. The verdict. After so many postponement - months after months - the impact of eating thai food was no longer there. Not as excited as before but nevertheless still good. And with 11 people sharing a set of RM242nett meal, it was certainly worth it. The portion were relatively enough. Or either that we are not big eaters. But nothing beats eating in Bangkok itself....

The night ended young for me. After a short visit again to their crib, I had to excuse myself for a bright early morning. Long weekend though.

Thursday, December 07, 2006

Friends Think Im Obsess With Gym

When I told LKS that my last visit to the gym was Monday (today is Thursday), he said, “Are you sure you are feeling ok?”

............................ (speechless)

And Dougie and gang forbid me to go gym on Friday so we can all go for TOM YAM.

........................................................ (Even more speechless)

How can they ask that of me??? Friday is BCombat day. But friends have to come first.

(hint: see how SUPER NICE of me to skip gym for you people. Dinner better be on you guys)

Top 5 Excuses When Relatives Get Non-Creative

Very useful for those attending wedding dinners this few months.
So when your turn to get married ar?

1) When I have the time...

2) Oops. I already did. I just didnt invite you.

3) When your daughter or son gets married...

4) When you decide to fund my wedding...

5) When I realise I want to get tied down with kids and having no life like you..

Different Generation

The things we do sometimes give out our age.....
When you are in your early to mid-20s, you spent your weekend with friends partying non-stop in clubs or attending birthday parties.

When you are in your late 20s and early 30s, you can't avoid receiving wedding summons from your friends.

And if you are married with kids in your 30s and 40s, you tend to attend their full moon and children's birthday parties.

What about 40s and 50s? What do we attend ar? More clubbbing, weddings and children's parties?

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

New Stuff

No im not going to talk about gym now. In fact, Im gonna write about the steam room. In my entire year and a half in gym.. and the steam room, I have never come across a full house in that smoky sweaty room. Maximum 3 people in a steam room usually but last Sat, there were 10 women crowding inside trying to have their pores open. Dont know why I found it funny at all but somehow the big crowd didnt make the room any hotter. And funny cos everyone seems not wanting to leave.

Later in the night, after a kids bday party and yum cha, TT, OTS and LK and I headed to kill time in bowling. I call it ROLLING. And not bad a score for someone who does not really bowl.... aka ME. First game - 66 points.

Second game - 88 points.

Someone should buy the lottery.. 6688

And when Sunday came, I put on my chauffeur cap and drove mom for a wedding dinner in KL. EC agreed to have dinner and suggested Alexis. Which I was cool since I have not been there before. Somehow I dont know why I think Alexis was in Maju Junction Mall instead of Great Eastern Mall. Thank goodness I didnt have to drive there. I would have ended up in the wrong side of the town. Lovely evening, good food and great chat with EC... while he annoys the waitress with his 1001 requests.