Friday, July 20, 2007

What You Dont Realise

Many of you do not realise

1) The purpose of saving money should not be related to only getting married / holidays / a new dress / a new car. You ought to look further.

2) Saving money for your golden age or retirement is equally important especially for people my age. The younger the better.

3) It's very important to start building your wealth and not wait till you are 30. It's never too early to start.

4) That you should not be getting yourselves into debt / swiping credit cards. Installment plans are evil.

5) You ought to seek professional advice when you need and do not listen to people especially those who dont do anything at all. After all, are those people you listen to wealthy?


K A said...

well said .... unfortunately not many will do it eventhough they are well aware ot it...

Chili Padi Porky Queen said...

yeah but wat ru going to depend on when you are old? monopoly money?