Thursday, April 27, 2006

Income Tax Submission

A total virgin. Thank goodness for Acrobat Reader 7.0.5, I just need to enter my income etc and the software will automatically calculate everything for me. So the verdict?? I still owe Income Tax some $$$.. #@/xo? The amount shocked me for a while but of course silly me forgot to minus tax deduction of RM350. Yipeeeee..... but still owe them... grrrr.....
But its weird, the more we work, the higher our salary, thus the more we get taxed. What nonsense. Doesnt it sound like Robin Hood? Take from the rich to be given to the poor. But this is not donation wor.. And we are not rich people. THIS SUCKS big time. Maybe I should be a vegetable seller. They, I think, are the richest people on earth. They can evade tax, or at least declare less. Who knows? Oh wells, what to do...............? I cant even tell the restaurant what vegetables I want to eat. Someone, please save me.

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